  • Pink #3 - Wesley Teaching Indians

Pink #3 - Wesley Teaching Indians

“John Wesley teaching the Indians”

John Wesley (1703-1791) was a minister in the Anglican Church who founded the Methodist movement. He organized Methodist societies throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Recognizing that outdoor services were effective in reaching those who did not attend churches, Wesley took the opportunity to preach wherever he could assemble listeners. He traveled throughout the land, preaching two or three times a day. In 1735 he went to the Georgia Colony where he served as the rector of Christ Church of Savannah. While in the Georgia Colony, he ministered not only the English settlers, but also to the Indians in Georgia.


Q:  What's the difference between the two manufacturers Wedgwood and Belleek?

A:  The Plates were produced by Wedgwood in England from 1933 until 2008 at which time Wedgwood moved production to Indonesia. In 2012, Wedgwood announced they would no longer be producing Georgia Plates. Belleek Pottery immediately took over production and continues today.

  • $85.00